Frequently asked questions.

Where are you located?

We are located at Evans Lake Resort and Marina, nestled in the Irish Hills, Michigan. The address is 1237 Michigan Ave, Tipton, MI 49287. You can find us down by the water around scheduled class times.

Do I have to sign up in advance?

Signing up in advance is highly recommended. We cannot guarantee availability for walk-ups.

What is provided in my registration?

There are two ways to book each class. Selecting the option for a class with a rental provides all of the equipment you need, and all you need to do is show up.

The second option, to bring your own board, offers a slight discount, but no equipment is included. Please note that if you bring your own board, you will also need to bring an anchor to attach to your board so it will not float away. If you need an anchor, there will be a limited number available to rent upon request for $3 each.

What should I wear?

Activewear/quick-dry clothing is best. Bathing Suits are always a good option if you are comfortable doing yoga or paddling in it or rash guards to protect you from the sun. Be prepared to get anything that touches the board to get a little wet. There is also the possibility of falling (or jumping!) into the water.

What are the age requirements?

All children under the age of 13 are required to wear a life vest by law. Please bring your own coastguard-approved vest.

We require all children to be able to swim. Anyone under 9 years old can be put on the parents’ board to ride along.

What if I can’t swim?

All participants must be able to swim in order to attend class. If you can swim but aren’t comfortable around water, we require you wear a life vest at all times.

What if it rains?

Classes & Rentals will still run in light rain/wind. All final weather decisions will be made by Sandy Bottom Adventures.

Classes and Rentals may be canceled if conditions are not conducive to the participant’s safety.

What is your cancellation policy?

Reservation Cancellation – 24 hours notice is required for cancellation of a reservation. Missed classes without the appropriate notice will be charged as if you attended with no credit for another class or rental. All cancellations with the proper notice receive a credit to be used within that current season. No refunds are provided.

Weather Cancellations – If storms or high winds result in a class cancellation you will be notified at least 1 hour in advance by email. When a class is canceled due to weather conditions, you’ll receive a credit on your account to register for another class at a later date. All decisions on weather are decided by Sandy Bottom Adventures.

Please make sure we have the best email and phone number on file to contact you.

Do you have a place to store my stuff?

There will not be any place available to secure valuables. Please leave them in your car or at home :)